TES Fest Incident Response Team FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IRT?

The IRT is a team of volunteers with training in trauma-informed, non-violent communication and dispute resolution.  Many are long-time community members and some have backgrounds in related fields.

IRT members are available throughout TES Fest to assist in taking reports and assisting in de-escalating and resolving conflicts that may occur during (and only during) the event.

How do I locate an IRT volunteer at TES Fest (TF)?

Find a TES Fest staff member, Security person, Dungeon Monitor, or a member of the Operation Hammond/Medical Staff and ask them to contact a member of the IRT for you. You can also email the team at IRT@tesfest.org for non-urgent matters.

All concerns will be discussed in a designated, private space on-site, with the goal that all parties’ concerns are fairly addressed and, whenever possible, for the parties to return to safely enjoy the rest of the event.

What type of conflicts does the IRT address??

The IRT is here for problems related to a violation of your boundaries/consent during TES Fest, or if someone here made you feel unsafe in any way (consent related or not) while at the event.

Is there anything the IRT won’t handle?

The IRT and the TES Fest staff as a whole are not here to address issues that have not occurred in the current event space and time. The IRT is not a free therapy source. In fact, they are explicitly disallowed from providing counseling/therapy.

How do I know if my issue is appropriate for the IRT?

The IRT is here for problems related to a violation of your boundaries/consent, or if someone made you feel unsafe in any way (consent related or not). When in doubt, ask to speak to an IRT member and they can assist you in determining if they can be of help.

What is the IRT process like?

Once notified of a request, an IRT member will meet with you in a quiet, private location on-site. There you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and describe the issue(s) at hand. IRT members will meet with all parties to a conflict in order to hear all concerns and perspectives. The parties will NOT meet together. Whenever possible and appropriate, the IRT supports reconciliation between the parties with the ideal goal being all parties are able to return to enjoying the event. However, if the IRT determines that there have been intentional harms or consent violations, or if the parties cannot achieve reconciliation, then the matter will be presented to TF senior staff/event chairs to determine the best outcomes for the parties and the event.

Who is on the IRT?

The IRT is comprised of trained volunteers, many of whom are long-time community members who have experience in conflict resolution. Many have backgrounds in related fields.  The IRT Chairs are both long-time community members who have clinical backgrounds and explicit training in trauma-informed response.